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How do I get a new website password?

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Is my website safe?

Webhost security is as safe as any online activity though some particular webhost software packages have reportedly been exposed to attacks.
We at subnigra can assure you that we use Apache software to run our hosting services. The server runs a Linux based system and is regularly checked for any unauthorised activity.
Most security infringements are owing to passwords being leaked to other parties or passwords that are easy for a hacker to guess.
It is IMPERITIVE that you do not reveal your password to anyone (INCLUDING US!) - other than trusted partners/employees who you have delegated to manage the contents of your website - and that the password is a collection of apparently random characters/numbers that is recalled by mnemonic. Please see our Acceptable Use Policy for more information.

Modified 2011-09-15 by madrory.
Hits: 3463